Schemes and strategies of roulette

Schemes and strategies of roulette

There are a large number of schemes for playing roulette. And the choice of strategy depends on the person: someone likes to go straight to the bank, and someone is cautious. Before you start the game, the main thing to know the rules and remember that you can not always win.

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The best roulette strategies

We've taken apart the most popular and working strategies for roulette, which are used in online and offline casinos. Here also painted possible winnings that you can expect if you successfully apply the strategy in practice.


According to the Martingale system, every time the user loses, he doubles his bet. The essence of the scheme is that one win returns all the money that was previously lost, plus brings a small profit. For this strategy, it is important to bet only on red/black, odd/even or 0-18/19-36.


The Laboucher strategy involves increasing bets immediately after a loss. The player sets himself a goal in the form of an amount divided into several small ones, and writes them out in order. The user then adds up the numbers on the far left and far right of the sequence to determine the first bet.

If he wins, the numbers are crossed out. Then the next two numbers on the left and right are used.

If the user loses, the amount of the bet is added to the rightmost part of the sequence.

For example, the user's goal is to win 100 rubles. To do this, it is necessary to decompose it into small amounts (point sequence).

Reverse Laboucher

The Reverse Laboucher system works by increasing bets after winning. It works the same way as the classic scheme. If you lose, the first and last digits are removed. After winning, the bet played is added to the sequence.

The ultimate goal is to delete all numbers in the sequence and complete the cycle.


The Andrucci system is based on the fact that, over time, each number must fall out on the roulette wheel. The algorithm is as follows.

You need to write down the numbers that will fall out in 30-35 spins.

Then choose a frequently occurring number and bet on it for the next 15-25 spins.

Trying to guess the number is extremely risky, but many players say that this is the best scheme.


The D'Alamber strategy focuses on betting on red/even, odd/even, or 1-18/19-36.

For each loss, one coin is added to the player's bet. After each win, the total is reduced by one.

D'Alamber is another roulette strategy based on the progression theory, but not as aggressive as Martingale. The bets do not increase as quickly. The user will not suffer huge losses, but also will not recoup all previous losses from a single win

Counter d'Alamber

Counter d'Alumber is the opposite of the traditional system. The strategy involves only "even odds" or 1:1 bets. For each win one coin is added to the next spin. For each loss it is withdrawn.


The Fibonacci system uses a sequence of numbers where each bet is the sum of the previous two. For example, the sequence could be: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, and so on.

With each loss it increases by one number. After winning the player goes back two positions. Each bet must be made on red/even or odd/even.

Worst Roulette Schemes

There are two main roulette strategies that are thought to be winning, but in fact they are not.

Learning Patterns. You can't beat a casino this way, because all online casinos use random number generators (RNG). This means that the result of each spin can never be determined.

Strategy 666 is an aggressive system where you need to bet on the maximum number of numbers simultaneously (straight, dozen, etc.). The more you bet, the better your chances of winning. This strategy is so called because all the numbers on the roulette wheel (1-26, zero and 00) add up to 666.

How to win at roulette

Before you start playing, check out some of our tips on how to win more at any kind of roulette (African, European, etc.):

  • Set a betting limit before you play.
  • Choose only the most reputable sites.
  • Choose a roulette strategy from the list above.
  • Test the scheme in free play mode before betting with real money.
  • Never look for patterns in the winning numbers.

Popular Questions

We've collected answers to popular questions about roulette and game strategies here.

Are there any win-win roulette strategies?

There are no secret win-win strategies. Roulette is a game of luck, and the casino always has an advantage. Knowing the odds and a proven strategy will help users make the most informed bets, but every spin can't always guarantee a win.

Are there programs to test roulette strategies?

There are programs for checking the working capacity of the strategy. But they do not need to be downloaded - it is enough to switch on the demo version of the game on a verified site. There the user will be given a few thousand virtual credits, which can be spent without harming the wallet. If they run out, you can reload the page, and they will be restored.

Can I use the described strategies in roulette with a live dealer?

Yes, you can use these strategies in a game with a live dealer. They work fine in live in all types of roulette. The main thing to remember that this is not a guaranteed profit, but the game of luck, where the advantage on the side of the casino.

Can I use online roulette strategies?

Yes, the strategies described above can be used at online casinos. The only caveat - the Andrucci system performance is questionable, because the numbers at the roulette table fall out randomly. Rotation of the wheel does not depend on physical phenomena, but only on the MSG. The other schemes work.
