Hybrid Surveillance Systems for Casinos

The replacement of mirrored glasses with surveillance cameras in the gambling business has significantly propelled the development of the entire IT sphere. However, despite the widespread adoption of digital monitoring, many organizations are hesitant to transition from analog cameras.

In this article, we will delve into the rationale behind using digital surveillance and explore the advantages of hybrid systems.

The Period of the Largest Technical Modernization
Casinos worldwide remain at the forefront of extensive modernization, an ongoing process spanning several decades. The driving force behind this continuous upgrade is the vast sums circulating within the gambling industry. Consequently, casinos necessitate state-of-the-art analysis, security, and monitoring systems.

Analog vs IP
The analog organization of video surveillance is deemed outdated in today's market. Determining when it's time to upgrade the system involves comparing the capabilities of IP cameras and analog alternatives. Signs indicating the need for a transition from an outdated system include:

Blurry and grainy images
Lack of zoom, detailing, and simultaneous preservation of image quality
Absence of two-way audio communication
No video analytics
Inability to automate system updates
A labyrinth of endless wires
Data storage on external media
Lack of remote monitoring and control
Absence of a notification system
Requirement for numerous additional accessories and equipment (recorders, hard drives, etc.)

All these shortcomings compromise the security of the facility, an unacceptable risk in a casino where maximum security and control over territories are paramount.

Important Note: Installing hidden surveillance cameras is illegal and entails legal liability.

Hybrid Systems for Casinos
The challenge of productivity can be addressed not only by a 100% replacement of equipment with digital alternatives but also by the integration of technologies. Hybrid systems emerge as a solution with unique advantages.

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Fault Tolerance
When two types of video surveillance monitor a facility, fault tolerance is maximized. These systems provide mutual insurance, ensuring uninterrupted real-time monitoring 24/7 even if one system experiences a breakdown.

Furthermore, the two systems need not operate independently. For instance, Honeywell and Pelco developers have created a hybrid surveillance system controlled by a unified keyboard, erasing the distinction between digital and analog solutions.

Casinos require dynamic cameras capable of tilting, zooming without loss of quality, and capturing a 360° panorama. These cameras should be adaptable to both indoor and outdoor settings, resilient against precipitation and temperature changes, with all electronic components protected by a sturdy casing.

Both analog and digital models are available, allowing for a seamless transition to modern solutions or the creation of a hybrid video surveillance setup.

Results and Conclusions
For gambling establishments, a surveillance camera should be multifunctional, offering fault tolerance, online monitoring, and "smart analytics." Only such a hybrid system can deliver the highest level of protection in the current landscape.
